Three months into the new year already. Time can mislead you if you don't pay attention to what's really needed in order to make things happen. It doesn't matter if you're new to this or if you are an experienced store owner - some things are taken for granted and you might skip some tasks you promised to resolve in the first place. There's no more time to lose - the economy is rolling and we hope that the market is warming up again. So what should you do next? 4Psite listed a few reminders and some suggestions to look forward to!
We actually discussed this topic recently with our customers. Our latest webinar talked about inventory and the need to make things look organized enough to keep the business running smoothly. Usually, a room needs to look clean and neat to have a good start of the day, right? Same thing applies to your local warehouse and/or multiple locations. Define a day or two to physically count the quantities that you have on-hand and compare it to your automated inventory. If there's any inconsistency for not closing the loop, not shipping or even missing orders, it's time to make it correct. 4P only asks you the on-hand quantity and it calculates all of the other values, as simple as that. We can also receive quantities from drop shippers and external locations, but never forget to close the loop - it is fundamental to have accurate numbers appearing on your system.
You should not waste any more time doing calculations or other manual processes that will spend your time and compromise your results. Doing things fast is good but it should be also efficient - they need to coexist when you are performing your daily processes, otherwise it would cost you in the long run or sooner. Define and check again the workflow that is right for your company. Find what's better for your colleagues and team staff. Having a friendly workflow system can be a huge help - you can adjust along the way and see what really fits into your business.
There's no better way to be competitive in this market unless you do your homework. I'm pretty sure that after the pandemic years, we all got used to buying things online from grocery items, cosmetic products, furniture and so on. And sellers are also buyers - the circle goes on and on when it comes to online shopping. I am sure that you are aware of the topics that are trending so keep your mind open to change or add new suppliers into your net, and read articles about the business you're in and mostly, have a pricing measure of your own. Along studying your niche of work, you need to have reports of your company to compare and see what needs adjustment. If you have a system that gives you those reports on what is fundamental, you will be able to track information and data. Certainly so, you are most likely going to understand better your needs as a buyer and your customers' needs as buyers.
Safety measures are important.
Logs are important, therefore it is important to have a system that logs your company operational steps.
It's safer to centralize all of your operations in one place only and also, being able to access it from any computer, anywhere in the world with the guarantee that your credentials are yours and nobody else's. Your other team members have their own credentials and roles (limitations) to access it. Maybe the solution is as simple as it is: combine a reliable internet and a cloud based system to be the compass to your journey selling online safely.
No more questions! Time to put everything into motion now! Change your outlook and evolve the way you sell online.
If you agree with the points from this article, you should check the options for a system that gives you customer service and unlimited training to better adjust to your needs as a store owner nowadays. 4Psite would be happy to receive your contact today for a live free demonstration, just visit the links below for more information!
4Psite is a multi-channel, cloud-based system with features such as inventory management, purchase management, manual orders module, shipping and much more. To discover all about 4Psite, visit our page.
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